Don't Sit Back! Thrive On
Try to imagine the looks on people’s faces when you make the announcement that you are taking your fulltime, wage earning career and paring it down significantly.
To be a fulltime artist!
I would like to say that I was scared but in reality, I wasn’t. Making change fits me. I can’t stay long in a place that feels “off” and uninspiring. When my passion wanes, it’s that time. Call it temperament. Call it intuition. Call it really knowing myself. Call it whatever — it isn’t a breeze but it makes for a fulfilling and authentic life.
I recently took a series of personality and strength assessments and discovered I scored high in Achieving and Empathy. So, I am ambitious but have a big heart — not so surprising since I’ve been a practicing psychotherapist for over two decades. Every career I have had has been profoundly gratifying but often I needed just a little something more. And that’s where change happens and I begin to subtract and add.
It often seems as if I am making impulsive decisions (they never are) in my life and career. And living as a creative is nowhere in the safe zone especially when it comes to economics. But know this. YOU CAN BE A THRIVING SUCCESSFUL CREATIVE! It takes time. It takes perseverance. It takes long hours doing what you do and perfecting your craft. It also takes staving off the naysayers and they come in packs. But this my friends is a whole other post.